Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valenpoop Day

Me: Hey Cat. Happy valentines day.
Cat: Meow. Meow meow meow meow.
Me: Aw. Cat, you didn't have to get me anything.
(-Cat leads Mike to the other side of the room. A piece of poop lays on the floor-)
Me: Cat!?
(-Cat runs away-)
Me: Yeah. Right. Happy valentines day my ass.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Doctor? Who?

(-Mike is in a suit similar to the eleventh Doctor in 'Doctor Who' running around the house-)
Me: Cat?!
Cat: Meow?!
Me: Cat! My sonic screwdriver! Quick!
(-Cat runs up to Mike with a screwdriver in his mouth. Mike grabs it and points it at the door-)
(-the doorbell rings. Mike and Cat look at each other-)
Cat: Meow?
(-Mike opens the door-)
Pizza Man: Are you Michael?
Me: No....tell him Cat.
Cat: Meow meow, meow.
Me: Exactly. I'm the Doctor.
Me: Yes, I'm Michael. Give me that.
(-Mike grabs the pizza and shuts the door-)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

In Class

(-Mike is sitting in class and his phone rings. He bends down and answers it-)
Me: Hello?
Cat: (over phone) Meow.
Me: Cat, I'm in class!
(-Mike hangs up and straightens back in his chair-)
Me: Wait, what?!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reverse Psychology

Me: Hey Cat. I have some left over eggs. Do you want 'em?
Cat: Meow.
(-Cat uses his paw and dumps the eggs all over the floor-)
Cat: Meow.
Me: What do you mean disgusting? I'll eat them if you don't.
Cat: Meow meow.
Me: Shut up. You know I'm trying to watch my weight.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Excuses, Excuses

Cat: Meow.
Me: Hey buddy. I'm working on the web series.
Cat: Meow meow.
Me: I know I was supposed to have it up two years ago. I got busy.
Cat: Meow, meow.
Me: Shut up. You don't even know what that means.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Me: She's gone. You can come out now.
(-Cat crawls out of a hole in the wall-)
Cat: Meow?
Me: No. She just wanted her box set of Weeds back.
Cat: Meow meow.
Me: I know. Finished it yesterday....high-five.
(-Mike holds up his hand. Cat looks at it, and turns away-)
Me: Right.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

She's Back?

(-Door rings-)
Me: Cat! Can you get that?!..........Cat?!........Cat!
(-Mike runs downstairs where Cat is staring at his ex-owner/Mike's ex-girlfriend at the door-)
Cat: Meow.
Me: My sentiments exactly.